Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Obsession!

Okay basically I've been crazy about Keroppi since high school. It's about 6-7 years. See how loyal am I? ahahahhaha X). okay gonna post some cool Keroppi stuff in my blog yeah               ~eleh x de org nak bace pon~;p

Hello my name is Kero  ;p

Okay that's creative! cute isn't it? Gonna try this someday! ahahah

Hurm..keroppi skin?never found this at my place :(

It's looks like tutty fruity :). I'm not gonna throw this after eating ahahah XD

This is what I adore the most! Keroppi cake! Wish anyone can give it to me as my birthday present <3

 Keroopi shoes~Oh keroppi is on my shoes!

I'll be gladly waiting for my lunch if somebody prepare this for me. How sweet!

I want this!!!

Owh i have the same exactly lens casing like this! ^_^ 

 Baaaaa Chaaakk!!

Wake up beb!

Earphone + earring ?  ^___^
Candy sweet~